Avatar the last airbender the swamp
Avatar the last airbender the swamp

Katara: Something about this place feels. Genius Loci: The titular swamp, complete with World Tree.Later, Iroh hooks Zuko up with a Ba Sing Se girl. While begging for money, Iroh sings a song about how great the girls from Ba Sing Se are, much to Zuko's irritation.The spirit vine that hits the bird at the end, and the swamp itself, which foreshadow a big revelation in The Legend of Korra about the Spirit World.Metalbending is also based on the same principle, applied to unpurified earth in metal rather than water in vines.The Foggy Swamp Tribe's unorthodox application of waterbending (bending the water within the plants) foreshadows darker applications of the art shown later.At the end of the episode, Zuko reassumes his Blue Spirit alter-ego. The mask cart that passes Iroh and Zuko in the opening scene bears the Blue Spirit mask.When Aang points out he used the tree's connecting power to find Appa and Momo, Sokka shrugs it off as "avatar stuff". He sees a vision of Yue, fights a giant tentacley vine monster, and a tornado appears out of nowhere, and yet he's still convinced there's nothing strange about the swamp. Flat-Earth Atheist: Sokka, to a hilarious extent.Fire of Comfort: When it gets spooky at the swamp, Sokka suggests building a fire.

avatar the last airbender the swamp

They also take some inspiration from various hill tribes from Southeast Asia. Fantasy Counterpart Culture: The Foggy Swamp Tribe is depicted as the Avatar world counterpart of stereotypical bayou-dwelling hillbillies from the Deep South.

avatar the last airbender the swamp

Zuko: This is humiliating! We're royalty! These people should be giving us whatever we want.

Avatar the last airbender the swamp